Everybody should have a friend.

Everybody should have a friend.

This is the first post from GHOST. Here's another little happy bush In nature, dead trees are just as normal as live trees. In your world you can create anything you desire. You create the dream - then you bring it into your world. I get carried away with this brush cleaning. These things happen automatically. All you have to do is just let them happen.

Just like it wasn’t even there.

Quiet, quiet little bushes. Don’t just cover it all up — leave these spots! Let it sort of bounce around and play. See how easy that was? Painting offers freedom. Cherish it! Take care of it! Just let it sorta dance around in the sky.

Blend it all together and have fun with it.

I wanna be careful to not let the color go past the tape. You’ll be amazed at some of the effects you can achieve. Leave a little area open here. You could sit there with your one-haired brush for a week trying to do that, or you can do it in one stroke with an almighty brush! Painting used to drive me crazy. I’m always looking for a nice, easy way to do this. Everybody should have a friend.

If there’s any secret to this technique, or any other technique: it’s practice.

All you do is just go back with it. It’ll just eat up all the crimson in the world. We have to have some fun. We’ll make those decisions later. You’re gonna have one WILD day! You do it the way that you want it. It should give you a lot of ideas of a lot of crazy things you can do.